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Embrace Natural Change: A Balanced Approach to Long-Term Health and Weight Loss


I'm Truly Impressed By the Power of Natural Change

I'm truly inspired by how much our lives can transform when we embrace change naturally. Over the past few years, I've experienced incredible shifts in my own health journey and have had the privilege of guiding a few amazing individuals toward their wellness goals. Witnessing these personal transformations without harsh restrictions or extreme measures has been incredibly rewarding.

Today, I want to share with you the most powerful lessons I've learned about creating long-term eating, health, and weight loss changes. These insights can help you unlock your potential and achieve sustainable wellness in a balanced, compassionate way.

Our Shared Path

We all experience moments where we feel stuck or overwhelmed by the changes we want to make in our lives. Whether it's struggling with weight loss, managing our health, or adopting a plant-based diet, these challenges can feel daunting. But remember, we also possess the strength to overcome them together.

Imagine a future where our greatest health goals are within reach because we support each other and approach change with kindness and patience. Together, we can create lasting transformations that honor our bodies and minds.

Facing the Struggles

But it wasn’t always this way for me. There was a time when I felt completely lost. I deprived myself of the foods I loved, tried to make changes too quickly, and ended up causing mental and bodily stress. I doubted myself and didn’t believe I had what it took to sustain these changes.

I remember feeling scared, uncertain, and defeated—emotions I know many of you have felt too. Whether it was at work, at home, or just in daily life, those moments of feeling stuck can be incredibly tough.

A Shift in Perspective

Then I realized that the challenges we face aren’t meant to break us—they’re meant to make us stronger. I began to understand that our hunger signals, like ghrelin, operate like clockwork, signaling our bodies' needs. Instead of fighting these natural cues, I learned to listen and respond to them gradually, allowing my body to adjust without undue stress.

This shift in perspective was transformative. I stopped trying to force rapid changes and instead focused on small, sustainable adjustments. By doing so, I was able to set healthy eating behaviors and goals that aligned with my higher self, without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.

Embracing Your Unique Journey

I’ve learned to embrace my journey and my story without apology. You don’t have to beat yourself up or follow someone else’s timetable to achieve your health goals. It’s okay to move at your own pace and honor your unique path.

There are countless stories of people who have successfully lost weight and maintained their health by embracing this balanced approach. They failed many times before finding what worked for them, proving that persistence and self-compassion are key.

Taking Action

What would you do if you had just 5% more patience with yourself? Who would you be if you listened to your body’s signals and moved towards your goals with kindness? I challenge you to take that first step today.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment or try to live up to others’ standards. Instead, set healthy eating behaviors and goals that resonate with who you truly are. Embrace your journey without feeling deprived or restricted.

Empowering Your Future

I’m amazed by what’s possible for you if you just start today. Remember, change is a natural part of life, and you don’t have to be hard on yourself to achieve it. Move towards health and wellness in a way that is balanced, compassionate, and sustainable.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment—make this moment perfect by embracing your natural ability to change and grow. Your journey to long-term health and weight loss begins with self-love and gradual, mindful adjustments. Let’s embark on this path together, supporting each other every step of the way.

If you’re ready to take control of your health and find peace with food, we’re here to help. Whether you’re just getting started on a plant-based lifestyle or looking to refine your approach, our coaching programs are designed to meet you at your level. We can also work with you to implement food behavior rules that address overeating and bring peace to your eating habits. Sign up for a free call or join one of our coaching programs today and start your journey toward a healthier, more fulfilling life on your own terms.

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Taste, Thrive, Repeat: Experimenting with Whole Foods Plant-Based Nutrition


Embarking on a plant-based journey can be both exciting and daunting. With endless plant-based options available, it can feel overwhelming to find foods that you genuinely love and enjoy. But here’s the key: don’t let your mind tell you there’s a shortage of delicious, whole, plant-based foods with no added oils. Trust me, they’re out there. It just takes some experimenting to find what truly satisfies your taste buds.

Keep an Open Mind

Experimenting with new foods is crucial. Be open to trying different vegetables, grains, and legumes you might not have eaten before. Sometimes, your taste buds need time to adjust to the natural flavors of whole foods. Food companies design their products to keep us hooked on artificial flavors and heavily processed foods, which dull our ability to appreciate the subtle flavors of nature. Breaking that cycle is possible with a little patience and curiosity.

Give Your Tongue Time

Natural foods, in their unprocessed forms, offer a richness of flavor that can take time to fully appreciate. Your taste buds need a chance to detox from the chemical overload in processed foods. As you explore different plant-based meals, give your tongue the time it needs to adjust. Eventually, you’ll start craving the crisp sweetness of a carrot or the nutty richness of quinoa over the artificial highs of junk food.

Enjoy the Abundance

There’s a myth that plant-based diets are restrictive, but in reality, they open up a world of possibilities. From roasted veggies to creamy bean dips, hearty grain bowls, and vibrant salads, the variety is endless. Keep reminding yourself that the foods you’ll love are out there—you just have to discover them. Tailoring your diet to include the flavors and textures you enjoy most is crucial for long-term success.

Sign-up for a free consultation here

A Taste of Research

Interestingly, studies show that when people are allowed to choose diets aligned with their food preferences, they’re more likely to stick to them. Research published in Diabetes Care found that weight loss programs tailored to individual preferences increased participation by about 17 percentage points. This shows that incorporating foods you actually like, rather than forcing yourself to eat things you don’t enjoy, can make your diet more sustainable.

It’s All About Balance

A successful plant-based diet is one you can sustain long-term without feeling deprived. Remember, the best diet is the one that you can enjoy while still supporting your health goals. Incorporating your favorite whole plant-based foods ensures that your eating habits are not only healthy but also pleasurable.

So, go ahead and embrace the adventure of discovering the plant-based foods you love. Keep an open mind, experiment, and most importantly, savor the journey. You’ll be amazed at how vibrant, flavorful, and satisfying plant-based living can be!

How Dr. Greger was Right: the Early Feeding Window is Healing my Gut

Sherri Toebe and Dr. Michael GregerA few years ago, I came across Dr. Michael Greger's book How Not to Diet, a comprehensive guide on nutrition and lifestyle changes that can lead to better health and weight management. One concept that particularly stood out to me was the idea of an "early feeding window," which suggests that eating your meals earlier in the day can have significant health benefits. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try, hoping it would improve my overall well-being.

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However, my initial experience with the early feeding window was far from positive. Instead of feeling healthier, I found myself struggling with binge eating, particularly at night. I would get hungry in the evening and end up overeating, which left me feeling guilty and ashamed. My relationship with food became more strained, and I started thinking about eating almost constantly. In the end, I gave it up. I even met Dr. Greger at one of his book signing events and told him that the concept of an early feeding window had triggered binge eating for me.

Fast forward a few years, and I wanted to address my overeating habits. I learned about the concept of setting eating behavior rules to create peace around eating. I set rational rules that allowed me to eat three meals a day, and over time, this simple structure transformed my life. The constant thoughts about food, the guilt and shame from overeating, and the morning anxiety about what I would eat or how much I ate the day before—all of these started to fade. For the first time in years, I felt at peace with food and eating. But while my emotional relationship with food improved, I still struggled with chronic gas and bloating. These issues had plagued me for most of my life, but they became especially bad after I switched to a plant-based diet. Potatoes, greens, tomatoes, lentils, chickpeas, and tomato sauce—foods I loved—seemed to be the biggest culprits. I even tried taking probiotics, but they didn’t help. Cutting out these foods felt like cutting joy out of my life. Potatoes, in particular, gave me a sense of satisfaction and energy that I didn't want to lose.

In 2021, I started training in Jiu Jitsu, and my concerns about gas and bloating intensified. During class, there’s no avoiding the pressure that comes with certain moves, and I was constantly worried about the embarrassment of unexpected gas. My instructor would want to use me to demonstrate a move, but I often declined, too self-conscious about my gas problems to fully participate. I hated not being able to give my all in class.

Sherri ToebeEarlier this year, I decided I needed to address this problem once and for all, especially with my purple belt test coming up in August. I was determined to perform at my best, but the gas and bloating were holding me back. I started experimenting with my eating schedule, moving my dinner earlier and earlier. Initially, I tried eating at 4 pm since my Jiu Jitsu class started at 6 pm, hoping that this would give my stomach enough time to digest and reduce the gas. It helped a little, but I still noticed some issues. So, I tried eating dinner at 3 pm, then 2 pm, and eventually between 12-1 pm.

To my surprise and relief, this adjustment made a huge difference. My gas and bloating significantly decreased, and I was finally able to go through Jiu Jitsu class without worrying as much. I could engage in the moves, even those that involved pressure on my belly, without fear of embarrassing sounds escaping. I now eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner between 6:30 am and 12-1 pm most days, and I feel wonderful. I was initially concerned that I would feel weak or lethargic with this schedule, but that hasn’t been the case at all. A hot cup of decaf coffee in the evening gives me just enough satisfaction to relax and sleep well.

The most surprising part of this journey came a few days ago. I had a meal with tomato sauce and potatoes—foods that used to cause immediate gas—and I didn’t experience any bloating or discomfort. It’s as if my stomach has started to heal. I can now enjoy my favorite foods without the dreaded gas, and my performance in Jiu Jitsu has improved as a result. However, I do still notice some gas if I eat lentils, so I’m keeping an eye on that to see how my body continues to adapt.

Looking back, it’s incredible to see how such a simple change—adjusting the timing of my meals—has had such a profound impact on both my digestive health and my overall quality of life. If you’ve struggled with similar issues, I encourage you to experiment with your eating schedule. It might just be the key to finding peace with food and unleashing your full potential, whether in sports or any other area of your life.

If you’re ready to take control of your health and find peace with food, we’re here to help. Whether you’re just getting started on a plant-based lifestyle or looking to refine your approach, our coaching programs are designed to meet you at your level. We can also work with you to implement food behavior rules that address overeating and bring peace to your eating habits. Sign up for a free call or join one of our coaching programs today and start your journey toward a healthier, more fulfilling life on your own terms.

Sign-up for a free consultation here.

FIBER, is essential for creating optimal health!


The emphasis should be on consuming enough fiber regularly. Less than 10% of Americans consume enough fiber on a daily basis.

Fiber, is only found in plants, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, and whole grains. Animal products, such as meat, cheese, milk, and eggs, do not contain fiber. Nearly 40% of Americans consume fast food on a daily basis, which contains little to no fiber.

A low fiber diet, contributes to constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, heart disease, and even some cancers.

Try to incorporate more whole, unprocessed foods, in to your diet. Make wise dietary choices to protect your health, so you have the best chance of thriving, even into your older age. It's been estimated that about 95% of illness and disease, can be prevented through diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. We have more control over our health destiny, then we are told.

Checking Your Omega 3 Levels

Check Your Omega 3 LEvels

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that offer a wide range of health benefits. These fats, particularly DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), play crucial roles in maintaining our overall health. Recently, I had my omega-3 levels checked and found that they remained stagnant at 5.2, up from an initial level of 3.9. While this shows progress, levels should ideally be above 5.5. To achieve this, Dr. Fuhrman has recommended doubling my dosage of DHA/EPA to further boost these levels.

One of the primary reasons for my focus on increasing omega-3 levels is their powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation throughout the body, which is a contributing factor in many chronic diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, and certain cancers. Additionally, these fats are vital for brain health. They support cognitive function, reduce the risk of cognitive decline with aging, and may even improve mood and mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Dr. Fuhrman emphasized the importance of choosing a high-quality, fresh algae-based omega-3 supplement, like the one he offers, instead of traditional fish oil. This preference is due to the risk of contamination in fish oils with heavy metals such as mercury, which can pose significant health risks. Algae-based supplements provide a safer and more sustainable source of DHA/EPA. Moreover, these supplements are suitable for vegetarians and those concerned about overfishing.

It is also essential to be aware of the freshness of omega-3 supplements. Omega-3s are highly susceptible to oxidation and can become rancid if left on the shelf for too long, rendering them ineffective and potentially harmful. Therefore, selecting a reputable brand and checking expiration dates are crucial steps in ensuring the effectiveness of the supplement.

In conclusion, increasing my omega-3 levels has been a journey, and I am getting closer to my goal. By doubling my DHA/EPA intake and choosing a high-quality algae-based supplement, I am confident in reaping the benefits of these essential fats. From reducing inflammation to protecting brain health, omega-3s are a vital component of a healthy lifestyle.

Billy Grisack Gets Healthy with a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle

Billy Grisack in the Studio

Billy Grisack's journey to health and vitality is nothing short of remarkable. Introduced to me through Chef AJ's podcast, Billy's story of transformation is both inspiring and deeply impactful. A professional musician, songwriter, producer, and teacher, Billy describes himself as a "Trekkie" and a collector of 60's space toys, reflecting his eclectic passions alongside his commitment to a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) lifestyle.

Billy Grisack's Before and After PhotoBilly's health journey began with a pivotal decision to adopt a WFPB diet after facing significant health challenges. He bravely confronted his weight issues, shedding over 100 pounds, and reversing multiple chronic health conditions that had plagued him for years. His belief in the healing power of whole foods stemmed from personal experience, noting that his recovery from health setbacks was notably faster compared to those on more conventional diets.

Reflecting on his past, Billy shares a poignant regret about not discovering WFPB eating earlier in life. He wonders if embracing this lifestyle sooner could have spared him from his first heart procedure. Despite this setback, he found renewed strength in his dietary choices during a subsequent health scare, demonstrating resilience and rapid recovery post-surgery, which he attributes in large part to his plant-based diet.

Beyond heart disease, Billy has also confronted and conquered cancer, further validating his belief in the transformative benefits of whole foods. His journey serves as a testament to the profound impact of lifestyle choices on health outcomes, inspiring others to consider the powerful connection between diet and well-being.

In addition to his personal journey, Billy generously shares his passion for WFPB eating by offering recipes that embody both flavor and nourishment. These recipes, born from his own culinary explorations, reflect his creativity and commitment to promoting health through delicious plant-based cuisine.

Billy Grisack's Before and After PhotoBilly Grisack's story is a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the profound ability of food to heal and nourish. Through his music and advocacy for WFPB eating, he continues to touch lives, offering hope and practical wisdom to those navigating their own paths toward health and wellness. His journey is a powerful testament to the transformative potential of embracing a plant-based lifestyle, inspiring others to consider the profound impact of their dietary choices on both personal health and overall well-being.

Check out Billy’s Recipes:

Oatmeal Muffins
Apple Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins

Click Here to Watch our podcast episode with Billy Grisack!

Remembering Dr. John McDougall: A Tribute to His Lifelong Mission of Health Through Diet

Dr. John McDougall

I couldn’t believe it when I heard that Dr. John McDougall had passed away. From the accounts his family has shared publicly, he apparently went to bed on Friday night and simply never woke up on Saturday morning. He had led a completely normal day the day prior to his passing and simply left us all, slipping away peacefully and quietly during the night. He was 77 years old.

For those of you who do not know who Dr. John McDougall was, he was one of the most amazing general medicine doctors that has ever lived. With his incredible intelligence he had read and just about memorized an incredible amount of information about the effects of diet and lifestyle on human beings.

With unbelievable clarity and an unwavering commitment to the truth, he swept away dietary confusion brusquely and came up with a very simple explanation of the causes of most chronic diseases that affect us more and more in modern times. He simply referred to it as food poisoning. And as he clearly pointed out over and over, the poisoning was the result of eating animals, animal products and oils.

Dr. John McDougall
Dr. John McDougall
May 17, 1947 - June 22, 2024

With the discovery of what causes these diseases, he was also profoundly committed to helping as many people as he could to discover that they themselves held the key to their own health and that key was in the shape of their fork and spoon.

When others suggested that exercise was just as important as diet, he strongly disagreed with a motto that he repeated loudly and often over and over. He simply stated that it is the food. It’s the food, it’s the food, it’s the food. When others would suggest that these diseases were caused by gluten, pesticides, lack of sleep, no access to health care and overly stressful lifestyles and that the cure was sleep, exercise and meditation, he would strongly disagree and proclaim that the strongest medical evidence was strictly dietary and that all other causes and cures were minimally involved compared to the overwhelming and crystal clear evidence pointing directly to the food.

In his lifetime, he treated thousands and thousands of patients very successfully, taking them off of medications that they had been sometimes using for years at that point, by simply prescribing a starch-based diet of rice, potatoes, corn and pasta — as he pointed out, the foods people love and should love as it is their natural diet and the one that makes them the happiest and most satisfied. And of course, with the return to a starch-based diet, there was naturally a normalizing of their weight while optimizing their health.

As a young doctor, he had worked as the sole medical practitioner in the Hawaiian islands on a sugar plantation, and while there he had made the profound discovery that the first generation plantation workers were strong and healthy, eating the vegetables, potatoes and rice from their native countries for the majority of their calories. They ate a simple and traditional diet and were slim and healthy as a result.

As they lived in the United States and became accustomed to American ways, they would start to feed their children heavy amounts of animal products and oil which affected their children’s health and caused all of the diseases of dietary excess that we now commonly see throughout society today. His solution to this was simply to go back to the diet that kept everyone slim and trim, which is a diet made of starches and vegetables with a little bit of fruit.

Dr. John McDougall tirelessly promoted this way of eating and pointed out the obvious healthy benefits of this diet repeatedly in 13 best selling books he wrote and published. He was also a prolific speaker as well as a tireless advocate for this dietary pattern that he knew would help so many people if they could just embrace it, give it a try and allow their bodies to return to a state of optimized health and wellness by eating a natural diet of starches, vegetables, and fruit.

As a young man of only 18 years old, Dr. John McDougall suffered a stroke caused by eating a diet full of animal products and oil which had clogged his arteries at that unbelievably young age. Throughout his life, he suffered the effects of that stroke with a slight limp in his walk. We could have lost him at that young age if he had not recovered from that stroke and I for one am so very, very thankful that his message will continue on, even though he has left us.

So please, eat some potatoes or rice in memory of Dr. John McDougall and give thanks for his incredible intelligence and wisdom that has helped to save countless lives and has shaped a real plan, with real hope, for a return to optimized health and wellness eating the foods people love the absolute most because of course, “It’s the food.”

Beat the Heat with Ice-Cold Vegan Smoothies

Green Smoothies are so Refreshing During the Summer

As summer temperatures rise, there's no better way to cool down and stay refreshed than with a nutrient-dense, ice-cold smoothie. Packed with fresh produce, these smoothies are not only delicious but also a great way to nourish your body. Today, we'll share some tips for creating the perfect green smoothie with a recipe that highlights the best of summer's bounty. Let's celebrate the season with a drink that's as good for you as it is tasty!

The Benefits of Green Smoothies

Green smoothies are a fantastic way to incorporate more vegetables into your diet. They're loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health. The addition of fruit provides natural sweetness and a burst of flavor, while ice helps create a refreshing, slushy texture that's perfect for hot days.

Key Ingredients for a Perfect Green Smoothie

  1. Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are excellent choices. They're mild in flavor and blend well into a smooth, creamy consistency.

  2. Fruit: Add a bit of natural sweetness with fruits like bananas, apples, or berries. These also help balance the earthy flavors of the greens.

  3. Liquid Base: Use water, coconut water, or plant-based milk to help everything blend smoothly.

  4. Enhance the nutritional profile with add-ins like chia seeds, or flaxseeds.

  5. Ice: Ice not only chills the smoothie but also adds a delightful texture.

Ice-Cold Green Smoothie Recipe


  • ⅔ Vitamix container full of fresh spinach leaves, kale, and broccoli

  • 1 ripe banana

  • 2 tablespoons of flax seeds

  • Water until the waterline of the Vitamix container

  • 1 cup of coconut water (or water/plant-based milk of your choice)

  • As many ice cubes as you like


  1. In a blender, combine the spinach, kale, broccoli, banana, flax seeds, and water. Blend until smooth.

  2. Add the coconut water and blend again until well mixed.

  3. Add the ice cubes and blend until the mixture is frosty and well combined.

  4. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy immediately for the best flavor and texture.

Tips for Customizing Your Smoothie

  • Switch Up the Greens: Try different combinations of greens like arugula, romaine, or collard greens for variety.

  • Mix in More Fruit: If you prefer a sweeter smoothie, add more fruit like mango, berries, or oranges.

Why Green Smoothies are Perfect for Summer

Green smoothies are not only cooling but also hydrating, thanks to their high water content. They provide a quick and easy way to fuel your body with essential nutrients, keeping you energized and satisfied throughout the day. Plus, they're incredibly versatile and can be tailored to your taste preferences and nutritional needs.

So, the next time you're looking to beat the heat, whip up an ice-cold green smoothie. Celebrate the abundance of fresh produce and give your body the nourishment it deserves. Cheers to a healthy, refreshing summer!

Feasting on Excess: Competitive Eating Contests and Their Troubling Message

Joey Chestnut during a hot dog eating contest

In a world grappling with issues of food insecurity and escalating rates of obesity, the spectacle of competitive eating contests stands out as a grotesque display of excess. At the forefront of these events are notorious spectacles like Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, where contestants consume jaw-dropping quantities of food in a matter of minutes. Recently, the news of Joey Chestnut being banned from this year's contest due to his sponsorship by a vegan hot dog company sparks a deeper reflection on the underlying issues these contests represent.

On the surface, these contests may seem like harmless entertainment or even a celebration of human capacity. However, they reveal a troubling narrative when viewed through a broader lens. In a country where millions struggle with food insecurity and obesity-related health issues, glorifying binge eating sends a contradictory message. The sheer volume of food consumed in these contests could feed entire families for days, yet it's devoured in mere minutes for the sake of sport.

As a former binge eater, I find the contests repulsive. I know the health dangers that exist when eating food to excess and it’s not just obesity. Heart disease is our number one killer in this country. These contestants need to think about what they are doing to their health long term. When you are talking 60 or 70 hot dogs, don’t just think of the excessive calories, think about the incredibly high amount of sodium they are injesting, something that could most definitely lead to high blood pressure.

Joey Chestnut, a household name in the competitive eating circuit, has set records that defy belief. His ban from Nathan's contest, allegedly due to his affiliation with a vegan hot dog company, underscores the commercialized nature of these events and the conflicting values they perpetuate. While Chestnut's prowess may attract sponsorship and media attention, it also serves as a stark reminder of the excesses in our society.

Moreover, the timing of these contests couldn't be more insensitive. As global hunger rises and food resources become increasingly strained, promoting such contests feels out of touch with reality. The optics of celebrating overconsumption when millions struggle to secure their next meal highlight a stark disparity in priorities. It's not merely about the ethics of competitive eating but also about the societal values these events reflect and propagate.

From a health perspective, binge eating, whether in a contest or not, poses serious risks. It promotes unhealthy relationships with food and can contribute to eating disorders. While competitive eaters may train rigorously and have medical supervision, the average viewer may not fully grasp the consequences of such extreme behavior. The normalization of consuming thousands of calories in minutes can desensitize individuals to the very real dangers of overeating and obesity.

While competitive eating contests like Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest may draw crowds and media coverage, their societal implications warrant closer scrutiny. Beyond the surface-level entertainment, these events mirror broader issues of food inequality, health disparities, and cultural insensitivity. As we navigate a landscape where food choices have profound implications for global health and well-being, perhaps it's time to reconsider the values we promote and the messages we send through our public spectacles.

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